Humidity management is vital to healthy crop cultivation, even more so than temperature control.

Humidification that increases low humidity is classified into heating and spray humidification. However, in plant cultivation, most humidification processes feature the spray humidification method, high-pressure spray nozzle method, centrifugal humidification method or ultrasonic humidification method. Considering amount of humidification and cost-effectiveness, the centrifugal humidification method is most commonly used. When considering the amount of humidification and cost-effectiveness, the centrifugal humidification method is mainly used.

Dehumidification methods, just as important as humidification, include chemical dehumidification using a desiccant and cooling dehumidification. However, considering convenience and cost-effectiveness, the cooling and dehumidifying method is the most common choice for agricultural applications.

Our dehumidification method also utilizes the mechanical cooling method. We have developed and distributed a patented dehumidifier for heating and cooling circulation & ventilation.