• Ginseng Hydroponics

In order to grow ginseng hydroponically, seedlings, which are raw materials, must be first priority. For these seedlings, ginseng seeds are directly opened and grown in the open air for about a year, stored in a low-temperature warehouse, and used whenever necessary. It can be stored frozen in storage and used after thawing during cultivation. In the case of cultivation and use here, there are outdoor cultivation and plastic house cultivation methods, but it is easy to use the indoor cultivation method in a plastic house that can freely extend the cultivation period and control of pests and pests.

Most of the ginseng seedlings for hydroponics are grown for one year and the cultivation period is only 8 months when cultivated in the open field, making it difficult to grow ginseng seedlings of sufficient size. Not only that, but the outside of the greenhouse is blocked with insect screens, etc. It can also prevent pests from external pests, making it possible to cultivate without pesticides.

In hydroponics, a vertical multi-layer cultivation bed is installed inside a building or plastic house, a nutrient solution system is installed for cooling, ventilation, lighting, and nutrient solution system, thawing the seedlings stored frozen in a low-temperature warehouse, and planting them in sterile culture soil for ginseng cultivation. It is grown by supplying temperature and light nutrition during the period, and carefully harvested so as not to damage the leaves and stems.

Most cultivated ginseng is harvested only from the roots in the fall, but the saponin content of 1-2 year old ginseng is concentrated in the leaves and stems, and as it gets older, it is distributed more in the roots. 6 year old ginseng is known to be the best. In addition, hydroponically cultivated ginseng is superior in terms of saponin content and nutritional value than field-grown ginseng, and its useful value is great as the saponin content in leaves and stems during hydroponics is 8~9 times higher than that of roots.

Hydroponics method by planting method of seedlings

If the cultivation method is separated according to the planting method of seedlings, it can be divided into damak-gyeong, spray-gyeong, and medium-gyeong.

First of all, “Baejigyeong” is a method of planting seedlings in a square container of an appropriate size for ginseng cultivation.

In the ginseng cultivation medium, peat moss, pearlite, coco peat, zeolite, calcium, and other nutritional components such as charcoal powder are mixed, sterilized at high temperature, and then packaged and supplied by a specialized company, so no additional nutritional components are required. Irrigation is supplied by adjusting the amount required for surface evaporation after absorption by drip irrigation through a drip pipe.

Usually, after 7 times a year of use, the energy of the medium runs out and needs to be replaced with a new medium.

For this reason, our medium-spectrum system introduces an automated system on the top and bottom of the soil. Our Mushroom Mushroom Cultivation Medium Irrigation System is a system that can be perfectly applied to the upper and lower layers of the soil.

Next, the “spray mirror” method is a method of fixing ginseng seedlings at regular intervals with the help of a sponge, placing them on a fixed frame molded for cultivation, and spraying water at regular intervals using a spray nozzle from the bottom. At this time, the sprayed water is absorbed by the seedlings, and the remaining water is collected along the drain pipe of the fixed frame to one side and induced into the tank below the drainage for recycling. There are difficulties in fixing the seedlings, and the spraying interval must be controlled according to the growth rhythm by photosynthesis for each growth cycle, day and night time, and the amount of spraying nozzle is sprayed so that there are no blind spots, that is, places not covered by water, when spraying water. The height and spacing of the nozzles should be arranged according to the angle and injection pressure.

Lastly, the “damage gyeong” method is the above spraying method in which seedlings are planted by inserting ginseng seedlings into the mold for fixing seedlings, and placed on the nutrient solution container at the bottom. It is a method of supplying nutrients to seedlings in the form of repeating emptying and filling the nutrient solution bed under the seedlings while moving sequentially from the top to the bottom with a 6-tier structure.

The nutrient solution that has come down to the lowest stage goes through a fine filter bag, passes through an activated carbon filter, and is collected in the water collection tank at the bottom. It is pumped to the soaking tank at the top of the cultivation bed, soaked for a set time, and discharged to the lower level. Also, like the spray microscope, it is vulnerable to spread when a disease occurs, and it is the method with the lowest cultivation success rate as it is a method that can be successful only when careful and scientific research such as the soaking time interval is preceded.

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by ginseng hydroponics