Temperature control method for growth characteristics of each shiitake mushroom variety
Shiitake mushrooms produce 90% of the world’s production in Korea, China, Japan, and consume 70% of that. Among numerous mushroom varieties, there are about 20 varieties that are mainly cultivated in Korea and distributed to farms.
The temperature range at which mushrooms occur in the aged medium is 5 to 25 ℃, and it is divided into low temperature, medium temperature and high temperature according to the temperature of occurrence. It grows and develops at 5~15℃ for low temperature, 10~20℃ for mesophilic, and 15~25℃ for high temperature. The occurrence of these fruiting bodies is determined by the supply of moisture to the mushroom house, the high temperature difference, and shock therapy to awaken the sleeping bacteria.
Based on Korea, which has four distinct seasons, it can be cultivated in the natural environment from April to June and September to November as spring and autumn, and July to August and December to March in winter in summer are difficult environments. In the past, most mushrooms were cultivated in the form of log cultivation in the natural state, but the scale of log cultivation is gradually decreasing due to the recent shortage of cultivable logs and an increase in log prices.
Moreover, log wood requires considerable strength and labor for movement and cultivation management due to the nature of the tree. As an alternative cultivation method, the bag cultivation method in which logs are put in a crushed bag in the form of sawdust and grown is rapidly being replaced. As this is mass-produced and supplied by factories with the development of automated facilities, growers purchase mushroom houses (medium) at low prices to produce mushrooms.