A low-temperature storage facility, which is necessary for maintaining freshness and safe storage of agricultural products until shipment, is a must for farmers.

MIRAE COLD & HEAT INDUSTRY’s integrated refrigeration system uses a urethane fastener panel that offers excellent insulation and seal.

The system has various functions, including automatic temperature-sensitive defrost, automatic constant temperature and outdoor air dehumidification, which are excellent for maintenance and load fluctuations. It also controls the smart farm via an ICT-integrated remote control panel.

Choose MIRAE for integrated management from start to finish.

Long-term storage method for export of shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are a type of fungus and have strong metabolism even after harvest, so post-harvest product temperature management is important to maintain freshness. Even in winter, if the product is stored in boxes after harvest, the internal product temperature will rise continuously, so pre-cooling should be done immediately after harvest. Because shiitake mushrooms are difficult to distribute in refrigeration, most of them are dried and used. However, dried mushrooms are inconvenient to use for cooking and taste and flavor are inferior to those of fresh shiitake. Therefore, consumption of fresh shiitake is increasing day by day.